General Archive
The Cambodian Civil War by Laura Summers (Dec 1, 1972 Current History Vol. 63, No. 376)
Cambodia: Model of the Nixon Doctrine by Laura Summers (Dec 1, 1973 Current History Vol. 65, No. 388)
Consolidating the Cambodian Revolution by Laura Summers (Dec 1, 1975 Current History Vol. 69, No. 411)
Defining the Revolutionary State of Cambodia by Laura Summers (Dec 1, 1976 Current History Vol. 71, No. 422)
Recommended: After The Cataclysm - Postwar Indochina & The Reconstruction Of Imperial Ideology by Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman (Black Rose Books, 1979)
Reading notes on “After the Cataclysm" - Cambodia by BlackMetalMarxist (DK Discord Server, 2023)
Straight Talk on the Trial of Pol Pot by Mike Ely (Revolutionary Worker #918, Aug. 10, 1997)
Recommended: Cambodia - Starvation and Revolution by George C. Hildebrand and Gareth Porter (1976)
Recommended: Kampuchea: Rationale for a Rural Policy by Malcolm Caldwell
Book review: Cambodia - Starvation and Revolution by Malcolm Caldwell (Race & Class, April 1977, Vol.18 (4))
Malcolm Caldwell and Kampuchea by Gail Omvedt (Economic and Political Weekly, Jan. 20, 1979, Vol. 14, No. 3)
A Murdered Model: Review of Malcolm Caldwell's book "Kampuchea Rationale of a Rural Policy" by Gail Omvedt (Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 14, No. 25 (Jun. 23, 1979))
Caldwell on Kampuchea by the Communist Workers’ Movement (UK) [Note: The following is an abridged version of the above book review by Gail Omvedt, "A Murdered Model"]
Fighting Cambodia - Reports of the Chinese Journalists Delegation to Cambodia (FOREIGN LANGUAGES PRESS PEKING 1975)
Recommended: Cambodia's Economy and Industrial Development by Khieu Samphan translated by Laura Summers (Samphan's doctoral thesis)
Book Review: After the Cataclysm: post-war Indochina and the reconstruction of imperial ideology by Arthur Clegg (Race & Class, April 1981, Vol.22 (4))
Recommended: Cambodia: Starvation and Revolution book review by David Chandler (Pacific Affairs, Autumn 1978, Vol.51 (3))
Southeast Asia from Depression to Re-occupation, 1925-45 by Malcolm Caldwell (Journal of contemporary Asia, June 16, 2009, Vol.39 (3))
Remembering Malcolm Caldwell (1931-78) by Alec Gordon (Journal of contemporary Asia, 2009, Vol.39 (3))
The Sino-Vietnamese Conflict in South East Asia by Gareth Porter (Dec 1, 1978 Current History Vol. 75, No. 442, )
Cambodia: Corrections by Jean Lacouture (May 26, 1977, New York Review of Books)
Distortions at Fourth Hand by Noam Chomsky & Edward S. Herman (The Nation, June 6, 1977)
Pol Pot: Brutal, Yes, but No Mass Murderer by Richard Dudman (The New York Times, August 17, 1990)
The Cambodian 'People's War' by Richard Dudman (The Washington Post, 24 April, 1975)
Good and Bad Genocide - Double standards in coverage of Suharto and Pol Pot by Edward S. Herman (1998)
Envoy Touring Cambodia Finds a No‐Wage System by Ross H. Munro (The New York Times, March 8, 1976)
Kampuchea, Three Years Old - Eyewitness report on the communist-led nation that was formerly Cambodia (Seven Days 1978-05-19: Vol 2 Iss 8)
Revolutionary Violence in a People's War by Malcolm Caldwell Social Scientist, Vol. 3, No. 12 (Jul., 1975)
The U.S. and Vietnam: Between War and Friendship by Gareth Porter (Southeast Asian Affairs , 1977)
Maoism and Pol Pot myths: Getting the record on Pol Pot straight by MC5
MIM book review of "Argument without End: In Search of Answers to the Vietnam Tragedy
by Robert S. McNamara, James Blight, Thomas Biersteker & Col. Herbert Schandler" by MIM
Current research on Vietnam by Serge Thion (Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars Volume 10, 1978 - Issue 4 Tenth Anniversary Issue Vietnam)
The ingratitude of the crocodiles the 1978 Cambodian black paper by Serge Thion (Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars Volume 12, 1980 - Issue 4)
Statement to the Conference on Vietnam and Kampuchea, Dassel, West Germany by Torben Retboll (Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars Volume 12, 1980 - Issue 4)
THE KAMPUCHEAN- VIETNAMESE CONFLICT by Stephen P. Heder (Southeast Asian Affairs, 1979)
Kampuchea and the Readers Digest by Torben Retboll (Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars Volume 11, 1979 - Issue 3)
The East Timor Conflict and Western response by Torben Retboll (Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars Volume 19, 1987 - Issue 1)
East Timor and Indonesia by Torben Retboll (Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars Volume 15, 1983 - Issue 2 Journal)
Kampuchea's armed struggle the origins of an independent revolution by Stephen P. Heder (Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars
Volume 11, 1979 - Issue 1)
In Matters of war and socialism Anthony Barnett would shame and honor Kampuchea too much by Laura Summers (Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars Volume 11, 1979 - Issue 4)
Malcolm Caldwell, 1931 - 1978 Peter F. Bell and Mark Selden (Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars Volume 11, 1979 - Issue 3)
Kampuchea: Vietnam's "Vietnam" by Sheldon W. Simon (Current History Vol. 77, No. 452, SOUTHEAST ASIA, DECEMBER, 1979)
Kampuchea Will Win! by the Canadian Communist League (Marxist-Leninist)
Interview with Kampuchean UN Ambassador Thiounn Parasith from “Revolutionary Worker” newspaper (RCP) (Nov 16, 1979)
Human Rights in Cambodia ~ aka the "Solarz hearing" (May 3, 1977) [Note: Contains a statement by Gareth Porter (page 19-32), co-author of Starvation and Revolution]
Recommended: The Struggle for National Independence and Socialism in Kampuchea by Samir Amin (This article first appeared in the October 1981 issue of Ikwezi (published in England))
Imperialism and Unequal Development by Samir Amin [Note: Contains an essay "The Lesson of Cambodia" (page 147-152)]
Pol Pot Revisited by Israel Shamir (CounterPunch September 18, 2012)
The 48th Anniversary of the Kampuchean Revolution by BlackMetalMarxist (DK Discord Server, 2023)
Excerpt from Malcolm Caldwell on wealth and people’s war by LLCO
Book review of Malcolm Caldwell’s The Wealth of Some Nations by LLCO
Notes on today’s Maoists who uphold Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge by LLCO
Nate Thayer Pol Pot interview new footage [NOTE: Redirects to Google Drive.]
Email Exchange with Steve Heder Regarding Death Toll in Democratic Kampuchea 1975-1979 by Joseph Ball
Democratic Kampuchea and Human Rights: Correcting the Record by David Boggett (Economic and Political Weekly , May 5, 1979, Vol. 14, No. 18, pp. 813-821)
New War in Southeast Asia: Documents on Democratic Kampuchea and the Current Struggle for National Independence compiled by the Kampuchea Support Committee (New York City, circa April 1979)
Down with Vietnam’s invasion of Cambodia! by The Revolutionary Workers Headquarters [Workers Voice, Vol. 2, No. 1, January 1979]
What's behind the China-Vietnam Clash? by The Revolutionary Workers Headquarters [Workers Voice, Vol. 2, No. 3, April 1979]
Vietnam blitzkrieg bogs down in Cambodia (Kampuchea) by The Revolutionary Workers Headquarters [Workers Voice, Vol. 2, No. 3, April 1979]
Distrusting the Standard Total View: A Tribute to Michael Vickery by Michael G. Karnavas (2017-07-12)
Celebrated historian Michael Vickery dies, 86 by Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon and Rinith Taing (The Phnom Penh Times, Publication date 03 July 2017)
Starvation in Cambodia by William Goodfellow (New York Times, July 14, 1978)
Our Legacy ~ Imperialist Slander Can Never Deface the Revolutionary Image of Comrade Pol Pot by Communist Party Reorganization Centre of India (M-L) (The Comrade, #9 — September 1998)
Revolution and Its Aftermath in Kampuchea: Eight Essays editors David P Chandler & Ben Kiernan (Monograph Series No. 25/Yale University Southeast Asia Studies)
EULOGIES: Malcolm Caldwell - Obituary by Editorial Board (Journal of Contemporary Asia, Volume 8, 1978 - Issue 4)
The Early Phases of Liberation in Northwestern Cambodia: Conversations with Peang Sophi by David Chandler and Ben Kiernan (Monash University Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Working Paper No. 10)
Social cohesion in revolutionary Cambodia by Ben Kiernan (Australian Outlook, Volume 30, 1976 - Issue 3)
Cambodia: 1975-1982 book review by Thomas F. Mayer (Monthly Review, Vol. 37)
Book Review: Michael Vickery, Cambodia: 1975-1982" book review by Laura Summers (Millennium, 1985, Vol.14 (2))
Ethnic Vietnamese and the Khmer Rouge: the genocide and race debate by Theara Thun & Duong Keo (Critical Asian Studies, 2021)
The Constitution of Democratic Kampuchea (Cambodia): The Semantics of Revolutionary Change by David P. Chandler (Pacific Affairs, Vol. 49, No. 3 (Autumn, 1976))
Modern Kampuchea by Hamad Abdul Aziz al Aiya (News From Kampuchea Vol. 1 No. 4 1977)
Kampuchea August 1978 by Swedish Kampuchea Friendship Association